About Me
Technical Skills:
Web, Desktop and Enterprise GIS
- Java, C#, JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, Python, SQL, Objective C (IOS), HTML5, AngularJS, React JS, Node JS, Express JS
Software Design & Development
- ESRI ArcGIS Suite (all tools)
Software Quality Assurance
- Build tools (Mavern, Gradle, Ant, Grunt, Gulp, MSBuild)
Environment Configuration
- CVS, Subversion, Git, Mercurial
Continuous Build and Integration
- Full-text search (Lucene, SOLR, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL)
Cloud Deployment
- PostgreSQL with PostGIS, MySQL, MSSql, Oracle, MongoDB, SqlLite, Accumulo
Release Management
- Geocortex, HTML5 custom module and workflow development. Workflow add-on development.
Task Automation
- Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Google Cloud services and API’s
System Design and Architecture
- Docker, Vagrant, VirtualBox
Security Implementations (LDAP, AD, ADFS, OAuth, OpenID, JWT, SSL)
- RESTFul/SOAP services, API Microservices
- GeoServer, MapServer, QGIS, QGIS Server, GDAL, PyQGIS, THREDDS
Agile (Scrum Alliance Certified)
- Leaflet, OpenLayers, CartoDB, Mapbox, TurfJS, EsriJS
Requirements and Business Analysis
- SQL Server, Oracle, PostGres
Issue Tracking and Management
- Atlassian Suite (JIRA, Confluence)